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05 May 2010 | dataset

United Nations Development Assistance Framework for the Pacific Subregion 2008-2012

The UN Development Assistance Framework for the Pacific Subregion (UNDAF) represents the first regionwide response to the UN operational reform process, and is a product of several partnerships in development, including between two UN Country Teams in Fiji and Samoa covering a total of 15 UN agencies, offices and programmes3, and between the UN and the governments of 14 Pacific island countries. While the UNDAF will guide the majority of UN agencies’ work in the Pacific, a minority of activities fall outside of its objectives, due to the unique mandates or ongoing programmes of specific UN agencies. Programmes outside of the UNDAF are listed by agency and country in Section 3.

Available online and also hard copy kept in vertical file collection

Call Number: VF 7068 [EL]

Physical Description: 79 p.

Data and Resource

The UN Development Assistance Framework for…

Field Value
Publisher United Nations (UN)
Release Date
Source URL…
Identifier VL-36502
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Pacific Region
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name SPREP Records and Archives Officer
Contact Email [email protected]