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06 July 2021 | dataset

Rats Eradication in Tuvalu

Rats are invasive species in Tuvalu. Rattus rattus, or black rats, are rampaging through Tuvalu’s atolls and gnawing through the country’s chief export crop – coconuts. This dataset contains a brief introduction into a project that was implemented by a locally-recruited retired rodent management expert who showed coconut farmers how to dispose of the rats in an environmentally-friendly manner.

Data and Resource

Tuvalu Foil Rat Eradication

A rat management project to eradicate this…

Field Value
Publisher Department of Environment, Tuvalu
Release Date
Identifier a9399b6d-86e4-4379-b323-fbb13e44b681
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Tuvalu
Relevant Countries Tuvalu
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Mathews, Christopher /Food and Agriculture Organization