1360 results
 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

Tuvalu is among the most vulnerable to climate change impacts. This dataset hosts the national communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

A report that localizes the MDG Framework with the Tuvalu development context.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

Although Tuvalu has no history of manufacturing persistent organic pollutants (POPs), this data-set consists of;

1. the first report (2008) that represents the first stepping stone for the country to outline strategies in order to meet its obligations under the Stockholm Convention, also given the chemical nature, including long range environmental transport of POPs that is a global concern.

2. The Tuvalu National Action Plan to reduce releases of unintentional persistent organic pollutants (u-POPs) 2018 - 2022

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

A comprehensive Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of potential water security interventions in Funafuti and Vaitupu, conducted under the PACCSAP project.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

A report outlining the impacts of climate change on Tuvalu.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

As a Party to the UNCCD, Tuvalu is obliged to follow Section 9 and 10 of the Convention in preparing a National Action Plan. This NAP therefore is considered as the focus of actions, consolidation of projects and activities identified for an integrated solution to combating land degradation in Tuvalu.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

Tuvalu signed the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992. The program of the Work Protected Areas is one of the successes of the convention. This action plan therefore presents the broad targets for the country as complemented in the National Biodiversity Action Plan to recognize, protect and apply best practices in relation to the management, protection and utilization of biological resources.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

An Act to amend the Marine Pollution Act 1992 to ensure that there is current compliance with marine pollution related conventions and for related purposes.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

State of Environment Report 1993 & State of Environment Report 2022

Tuvalu’s State of Environment Report was first developed in 1993 to raise awareness among the people of Tuvalu on all environmental issues and to use the report in decision making. This year (2022), the Department of Environment under the Ministry of PublicWorks, Infrastructure, Environment,Labour, Meteorology and Disaster (MPWIELMD) is pleased to present the 2nd Tuvalu State of Environment Report 2022.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

Tuvalu Statement at the Whale in a Changing Ocean Conference, Vava'u, Tonga, 2017

This document is expected to complement existing guidance documents such as the Manual on the Implementation
of the Basel Convention etc

In this report, successful livelihood options considered are one that 1) continues to be used by community after external organisations have left, and also 2) a livelihood that is environmentally sustainable.

A waste resource kit sharing the experiences of others in the Pacific who have found solutions to some of the waste problems.

The contents represent the culmination of one year’s efforts, including working with the teams of six of the most advanced MPA networks in the region. The process of collecting information for this book involved activities in the field, conducting interviews, consultation workshops and interactions with stakeholders, government and non-government organizations, academic institutions and the private sector.
The work is attributed to the

For the purpose of this guide:

* "Dumping" means:
(i) any deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or other matter from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other man-made structures at sea;
(ii) any deliberate disposal at sea of vessels, aircraft, platforms or other man-made structures at sea.

* "Dumping" does not include:
(i) the disposal at sea of wastes or other matter incidental to, or derived from the normal operations of vessels, aircraft, platforms or other man-made structures at sea and their equipment, other than wastes or other matter

As a regional plan, PACPLAN applies only to spills where regional co-operation and/or supraregional assistance are required.

This publication is a companion piece to Island Innovations—UNDP and GEF: Leveraging Environment and Energy
for the Sustainable Development of SIDS, a joint UNDP and GEF (Global Environment Facility) book launched at the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, 2014.

A major objective of this report was to develop a regional assessment of Pacific Island sensitivity to projected climate change as a component of the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) program