On the 8th of November 2021 - The Department of Environment, Department of Fisheries, Funafuti Kaupule and Waste Department carried out a tree planting activity and cleaning campaign at Fuakea and Fualopa Islets. The respective departments would like to extend their sincere gratitude towards the Fetuvalu Secondary School Students together with their Staff Mrs. Inge Kopke, for their generous support in ensuring that all activities were carried out successfully.
A little bit of information about the trip;
- the team and students went on the Tai Nauti Boat.
- the Kanava seedlings cannot be planted at Fulopa merely because there is a pest (Kou leaf worm) present on the islet which can harm this particular plant. So, the team and students planted Kanava on Fuakea and Fetau on Fualopa.
- the team and students also collect rubbish (non-biodegradable) on each islet
- The programme ended with a lunch at Tepuka Islet together with short presentations from representatives of each departments explaining the importance of the trip and activities being done.
- Students and the rest of the team safely returned to the shore of Fongafale at 4:30pm.