22 February 2022 - This morning marked the second meeting of the High-Level Working Group on the Commonwealth Secretary-General Election! The Working Group, which is chaired by the Ministry's Secretary Dr. Tauisi M. Taupo, was honored to have present at the meeting Tuvalu's candidate for the upcoming Commonwealth Secretary-General election Sir Iakoba Taeia Italeli! During the meeting, Sir Italeli and Secretary Taupo were joined by Tuvalu's Permanent Representative to the UN H.E. Samuelu Laloniu, as well as Tuvalu's Special Envoy for the Commonwealth Secretary-General Election, the Ministry's Deputy Secretary, the Ministry's Assistant Secretary, and representatives from the Ministry's Department of Foreign Affairs and ICT Department! The Ministry encourages all Tuvaluans to support Sir Italeli in his inspirational run to represent Pacific Small Island Developing States as the head of the Commonwealth of Nations