58 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This is a MaxEnt model map of the global distribution of the seagrass biome. Species occurrence records were extracted from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) Ocean Data Viewer and Ocean biogeographic information system (OBIS). This map shows the suitable habitats for the seagrass distribution at global scale.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset shows the modelled global patterns of above-ground biomass of mangrove forests. The dataset was developed by the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, with support from The Nature Conservancy. The work is based on a review of 95 field studies on carbon storage and fluxes in mangroves world-wide. A climate-based model for potential mangrove above-ground biomass was developed, with almost four times the explanatory power of the only previous published model.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Database of Island Invasive Species Eradications (DIISE) attempts to compile all historical and current invasive vertebrate eradication projects on islands. The vast majority of the dataset is focused on invasive mammals. Data gathered from each project includes island location and characteristics, details about the eradication including focal species, methods and outcome, plus links and or contact details for learning more about the project.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The UN Biodiversity Lab is an online platform that allows policymakers and other partners to access global data layers, upload and manipulate their own datasets, and query multiple datasets to provide key information on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and nature-based Sustainable Development Goals.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global biodiversity data sets being widely used by scientists, businesses, governments, International secretariats and others to inform planning, policy decisions and management.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

InforMEA provides easy access to information on Multilateral Environmental Agreements. It is an initiative facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme and supported by the European Union. It seeks to develop Inter-operable information systems for the benefit of the (MEA) Parties and the environment community at large.
This dataset provides direct links to:
1. "Pacific Islands" - related data on the InforMEA portal. For country-specific information, please type *name of country* on the InforMEA portal search tool.
2. Free online courses

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

'Story Maps' allows an individual to combine authoritative maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content to make it easy to harness the power of maps and geography to tell a story. An insight into Tuvalu's environmental issues is featuring on the story map website with images and ArcGIS contents.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

Tuvalu became the 189th member of the United Nations on September 5, 2000. This dataset provides a direct internet link to access all the highlight information pertaining to Tuvalu's participation in the UN


In the 30th SPREP meeting held in September this year, the meeting supported the scaling up of environment data management in the Pacific and directed the Secretariat to initiate a process for developing a full-sized project proposal to support the scaling up environmental data management work in the region.

Later in October,  the Inform Project participating countries collectively agree on the need to scale up and extend the Inform Project services beyond 2022.


In the 30th SPREP meeting held in September this year, the meeting supported the scaling up of environment data management in the Pacific and directed the Secretariat to initiate a process for developing a full-sized project proposal to support the scaling up environmental data management work in the region.

Later in October,  the Inform Project participating countries collectively agree on the need to scale up and extend the Inform Project services beyond 2022.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Pacific Network for Environmental Assessment (PNEA) Portal is an initiative of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to support government officials from Pacific Island countries and territories who work with environmental impact assessment (EIA), strategic environmental assessment (SEA) as well as Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS). 

The portal complements SPREP’s current capacity building program for EIA and SEA - including the recently launched Regional EIA Guidelines, the Coastal Tourism EIA guidelines, and SEA guidelines.


 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

Dataset that provides a direct link to Tuvalu's data hosted on the GBIF website / records.

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

Tuvalu-related publications on Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
Search using the keyword "Tuvalu". 793 Results as of 15 April, 2018

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

A direct internet link to and resources pertaining the Blue Habitat website which has been established as a portal for information on the global distribution of marine ‘blue’ habitats. Knowledge on the distribution of blue habitats is an important input into ocean management, marine spatial planning and biodiversity conservation.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

AquaMaps are computer-generated predictions of natural occurrence of marine species, based on the environmental tolerance of a given species with respect to depth, salinity, temperature, primary productivity, and its association with sea ice or coastal areas. These 'environmental envelopes' are matched against an authority file which contains respective information for the Oceans of the World. Independent knowledge such as distribution by FAO areas or bounding boxes are used to avoid mapping species in areas that contain suitable habitat, but are not occupied by the species.

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

Dataset includes various regional-scale spatial data layers in geojson format.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset holds all media resources for the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report

 Department of Environment, Tuvalu

The Funafuti Conservation Area project has been relatively successful, therefore this report documents the lessons learned as well as providing a useful model for similar marine conservation projects at other sites within the country and around the region.

 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)

This publication ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment – Guidelines for Pacific Island Countries and
Territories’ has been prepared to provide guidance on the application of SEA as a tool to support
environmental planning, policy and informed decision making. It provides background on the use and
benefits of SEA as well as providing tips and guiding steps on the process, including case studies, toolkits
and checklists for conducting an SEA in the Appendices.


The research agreement signed on 19th December 2005 by the Institute of Research for Development (IRD), the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) and Nantes University, the Pharmacochemical laboratories of Natural Substances and Pharmacophores Redox (UMR 1165) and the Centre of Maritime and Ocean Law (EA 1165, CDMO) led to the international research program “Coral Reef Initiatives for the Pacific” (CRISP).