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06 July 2021 | dataset

The status of the coral reefs of Tuvalu

Tuvalu's shallow marine environments are dominantly fringing and patch reefs. Five of the islands are true coral atolls, with a continuous eroded reef platform surrounding a central lagoon, three islands are comprised of a single islet made up of sand and coral materials (McLean & Hosking, 1991). This article documents the status of corals reefs of Tuvalu, including threats to coral reef biodiversity.

Data and Resource

The status of the Coral Reefs of Tuvalu

Tuvalu's shallow marine environments are…

Field Value
Publisher Department of Environment, Tuvalu, Tuvalu Fisheries
Release Date
Identifier 3bc16285-c059-481b-bf9f-0b8da8c0b2f3
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Tuvalu
Relevant Countries Tuvalu
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Samasoni Sauni