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06 July 2021 | dataset

Rainfall Trends, Drought Frequency and La Niña in Tuvalu

This study addresses rainfall trends, the frequency of droughts, La Niña influences and the relationship between rainfall and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in Tuvalu. The findings revealed that;

* de-trended rainfall time series show declining trends in all four rainfall stations over the period 1953-2012;

* the frequency of drought ranges from three to fourteen years with a mean of nine years

* the occurrence of drought appears to follow the La Niña years

* boplots provide an effective option for defining drought

* there is empirical support for a moderate to strong correlation between the de-trended values of SST and rainfall in the area of study

Data and Resource

Rainfall Trends, Drought Frequency and La Niña in Tuvalu

Addressing rainfall trends, the frequency of…

Field Value
Publisher Department of Environment, Tuvalu
Release Date
Identifier 11b852f9-0242-4192-9740-b6ae5c8c840b
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Tuvalu
Relevant Countries Tuvalu
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Luke Paeniu, Elisabeth Holland, Cara Miller and Giulia Anderson
Contact Name Luke Paeniu, Department of Climate Change, University of the South Pacific (USP)
Contact Email [email protected]