marine material spillage international oceans
KoBoToolbox is a tool for mobile data collection in the field. This dataset contains all relevant information to get started.
* KoBoToolbox website:
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Various training and reference materials from the ACPMEA and Inform Joint Regional Meeting held at SPREP 17-21 September 2018.
All resources here are related to SDG targets and indicators
Video and instructions on how to use pivot tables in Excel for data analysis.
This dataset contains a guide for policy makers and legislative drafters in the context of plastic regulations
This dataset contains information for Pacific island countries and territories to take a major step forward to protect our Pacific Ocean from marine litter.
Zip file contains a video explaining how to add a dataset for logged-in users
Zip file contains a video explaining how to add a resource for logged-in users.
Zip file contains a video explaining how to add additional information for logged-in users.
Zip file contains a video explaining how to create a visualization for logged-in users.
Zip file contains a video explaining how to add a group and user for logged-in users.
YouTube video explaining how to add additional information.