Online post by Energy Sector Management Assistance Program in 2017
Jana Gheuens, Nidhi Nagabhatla and Edangodage Duminda Pradeep Perera 2019
Tuvalu Electricity Corporation.
Linked to “Te Kakeega II 2015”, “Te Kaniva (Climate Change Policy) 2012” and the “Tuvalu National Energy Policy”.
DEFINITION : Trend in percentage production of energy from renewable sources
PURPOSE : Energy generation is a major source of GHG emissions. Pacific island countries also have limited capacity for oil and gas storage and are therefore highly vulnerable to fluctuations in fossil fuel price and availability
DESIRED OUTCOME : Positive trend in energy production from renewable sources
DEFINITION : Annual per capita generation of municipal solid waste
PURPOSE : Accurate measurement of per capita waste generation for better waste management
DESIRED OUTCOME : Stabilisation and subsequent negative trend in household waste generated
DEFINITION : Quantity of generated hazardous wastes processed/treated (including export)
PURPOSE : Treatment and safe storage of hazardous waste mitigates the risk to humans and nature. Hazardous materials can have direct and indirect, chronic or acute impacts
DESIRED OUTCOME : Full treatment/processing of all hazardous waste generated
DEFINITION : % of households connected to central sewerage system
PURPOSE : Tracks progress in managing sewage in a way that minimises the risk of water contamination. Untreated sewage and leaking septic systems are a major source of ground and surface water contamination
DESIRED OUTCOME : Positive trend in % of households connected to central sewerage system
In this report, a set of recommendations is provided for each indicator to support the next best steps for management action that will advance progress towards the target outcome and support Pacific people and biodiversity.
In this report, a set of recommendations is provided for each indicator to support the next best steps for management action that will advance progress towards the target outcome and support Pacific people and biodiversity.
State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report
Dedicated interactive website for the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report.
Animated Key Messages from the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific : 2020 Regional Report
Date: Wednesday 28th April 2021
1. Mr. Vatumaraga Molisa - Chair and representative for Melanesia Sub Region (Vanuatu)
2. Ms. Sailele Aimaasu – Representative for Polynesian Sub region (Samoa)
3. Ms. Nenenteiti Teariki-Ruatu – Representative for Micronesia Sub Region (Kiribati)
4. Mr. Paul Anderson – PMU, Secretariat
5. Mr. Jochem Zoetelief – UNEP Task Manager
6. Ms. Sabrina Reupena – SPREP
From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)